Corporate Wellness Consulting
Stress and burnout are a glaring reality in our daily lives. The 21st century has seen man make huge strides in every sector and massive advancement within the field of technology. This is the smart age where everything needs to happen ‘yesterday’. Unfortunately, this is also the age where we have seen the highest rise in the area of stress related illnesses while disorders and diseases of the mind are far more common, than they ever were before.
Employee Wellness Programmes add huge value to any organization. One of the benefits of these programmes is that it provides therapy and counselling to all employees. The Corporate space has morphed. Today decision making in a pressurized environment or dealing with the impact of depression are everyday occurrences. In our highly competitive culture, can any organization afford to have large numbers of employees feeling disengaged or overwhelmed to the point of being ineffective?
An employee support program allows employees to have direct access to our practice for assessment and help on stress related and psychological issues. Employees would contact us directly to make an appointment without having to go through a manager or team leader. Psyche in Mind offers counselling and consultation, face to face (or online sessions if the need arises). Trauma counselling is available to all employees and their respective families. Help is available for those that have suffered traumatic incidents. Whether they may have either witnessed something or have been directly involved in a situation-we are able to assist.

Online Sessions
Online sessions and consults are available for those who cannot attend ongoing sessions in person. Each situation is assessed individually. Feel free to get in touch by telephone, email or WhatsApp to make a request.