About Us
Fathima Ahmed
Psychotherapist and Registered Counsellor in Johannesburg
BA (Psychology); BA (Hons) B Psyche Degree
Individual Psychotherapy
For me, it is vital that I engage with my clients in a safe and supportive environment, one that is not based on assumptions about their difficulty. My work is supported by my own professional development. The overall aim is to enable you to gain a deeper understanding of your problems, and then to discover ways to deal with them effectively. I am bound by the Code of Ethics of the Health Professionals Council of South Africa and I am HPCSA Registered.

HPCSA Practice No: 002 3930
BHF No: 081 000 056 8007
Contact Me
Ask a question or book an appointment below.
084 689 1055
HPCSA Practice No: 002 3930
BHF No: 081 000 056 8007
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